Peace Playlist
The Peace Program in District 170 focuses on social and emotional learning, restorative practices, conflict resolution and mindfulness. Through activities, skills building and modeling we teach these life skills - identifying how I feel, regulation of feelings, social awareness, responsible decision making and relationship skills. We work with students who have received an in school suspension and also with classes throughout the District. As a way to serve students and families we have recorded and placed activities on a playlist. Please feel free to contact us with any questions at We are here to assist you!
About Us - 2q
Peace Video: Getting to know peace program staff
Peace Video: Game Show Time - True or False!
Asking For Help -
Video: Asking for help cartoon
Peace Video: We all need help and just need to ask!
BOOKS - Reading is FUNdamental! - 20 minutes a day!
Happy Hippo Angry Duck by Sandra Boynton read by Miss Mary
Shades Of Black Myles C. Pinkney read by Mr. Beach
Hands Are Not For Hitting Martine Agassi read by Mr. Beach
Three’s A Crowd Gwendolyn Hooks read by Ms. Z
Taking Turns Sesame Street read by Ms. Mary
Who Will Be My Friends? Syd Hoff read by Ms. Z
I Accept You As You Are! David Parker read by Ms. Z
Have You Filled a Bucket Today? Carol McCloud read by Miss Mary
All In a Day Cynthia Rylant read by Miss Mary
The Peace Book by Todd Parr read by Peace Program Staff
You CAN control your breath. Make it a practice to focus on breathing at scheduled times three times a day, for example prior to school, after lunch and at the end of the school day. In addition, you can also pause to do a breathing activity when you need to focus or to help you regulate your feelings.
Article Breathing Exercise Benefits
Video: "Belly Breathe" Common and Colbie Caillat
Current Events/News
Youtube CNN Top 10 stories for the day
Diet Please aim for 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit each day!
Peace Video: What 2 Eat 2 be Healthy!
Website: MyPlate | ChooseMyPlate
Website: Nutrition information, games and activities
Peace Video: Drum Circle with Positive Affirmations
E-Learning Movement
Peace Video: Movement While Learning
Being healthy is more than diet and exercise. It also involves what you let into your mind and heart. Your diet is everything you take in, not just food.
Peace Video: Working Out in the Gym
Family Fun Activities
Website: Activities to do as a family or to spark a new hobby for your child
Video: Anger Management for kids (and adults)
Video: "Belly Breathe" Common and Colbie Caillat
Article: Tips For Helping Your Child Focus and Concentrate
Goal Setting
Activity Sheet: Identifying Strengths and Creating Action Steps
Peace Video: Gratitude Challenge Introduction
Activity Sheet: Giving Positive Feedback
Article: Gratitude and Courage
Hand Hygiene
Peace Video: Female Hand Hygiene
Introducing Yourself
Peace Video: “New Hires Six Feet Apart” AND Traits For Successful Learners
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
Article: What If Schools Taught Kindness
Inspiring Quotes - Select some to reflect on, use to inspire you or journal!!
Article Self-management Skills for Remote Learning
Self Reflection
Health isn’t just about what you are eating. It’s also about what you are thinking and saying too.
What went well today?/ What was the best part of my day?
What can I improve upon?/ How can I make tomorrow better?
Social Emotional Learning
Article: The Importance of Self-Awareness
Parent Prompts: Starters for giving positive feedback
Website: CASEL.Org Parent Resources
Article: Responsible Decision Making and additional SEL Resource Links
Yoga/Outdoor Exercise
Peace Video: Yoga & Positive Affirmations AND Outdoor Exercise