The use of assessments in a student’s educational journey is a necessity! Data from assessments helps teachers to plan individualized instruction for students based on the results of all assessment data.
Using assessment data has many purposes:
To measure student achievement and growth to help drive classroom instruction.
To provide parents with detailed information on student achievement and growth.
To measure the effectiveness of programs and instruction
District 170 utilizes a variety of assessments to measure student achievement.
IAR—Illinois Assessment of Readiness— assessment system in English and math anchored in what it takes to be ready for college and careers.
ACCESS— Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners— measures English Learner’s (ELs) proficiency in English.
Common Assessments—District and/or publisher created assessments. These assessments provide regular and timely feedback regarding student attainment of critical standards.
DRA—Developmental Reading Assessment—Grades Kindergarten through 2nd Grade—Used to determine a student’s reading level. Provides teachers with detailed information on literary needs of students.
EDL2-Evaluacion del Desarrollo-Grades Kindergarten through 2nd grade-Used to determine a bilingual or dual language student's reading level. Provides teachers with detailed information on literary needs of Spanish speaking students.
iReady Assessments—Grades K-8—Informs instruction using valid, reliable, and real-time data and measures student achievement and growth.
ISA - Illinois Science Assessment - The Illinois Science Assessment is administered to students in grades five and eight. The ISA is aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards which are based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
Illinois KIDS - Kindergarten Individual Development Survey - Kindergarten students across the state of Illinois are assessed on the Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS). Students will be observed by teachers in the following domains: Approaches to Learning and Self Regulation, Social and Emotional Development, Language and Literacy Development, and Math.
KGAT-Kindergarten Growth Assessment Tool-This tool measures kindergarteners' readiness skills four times per year. It includes skills in both reading and math and tracks students' progress throughout the year.
For a list of assessments administered by the district, please visit the Assessment Survey Results on ISBE's website at assessment survey results.