I am sending this email to the School District 170 staff and community because I believe that now, more than ever, we
need to join together as a family and stand our ground in light of the recent events that have so divided our nation.
Like you, I am filled with outrage, grief, and sorrow at the needless death of George Floyd. The behavior of the members
of the Minneapolis police department who perpetrated this reprehensible act can never receive our approval.
So, out of respect for Mr. Floyd's memory, and also - perhaps more importantly - for the lives of the students whom we
teach and revere, I ask that we come together as one people and one country. Let us pledge to do everything in our power
to fight hatred, oppression, and racism.
And so, I say to you, members of our family, that we must be vigilant in our conversations about race, and removing every
vestige of any obstacles that contribute to systemic inequities wherever and whenever they are found.
Most importantly, though, please understand that we must not remain silent concerning harassment, persecution, and
intolerance of any kind. As a school district, we must now, more than ever, extend our hand in compassion, empathy, and
humanity to every member of our community.
Racism, oppression, and hatred must not win. I know that we are better than those people whose acts we abhor, and by
coming together and standing firm, I sincerely believe that we can create a better world for our students, our children, our
families, and our community.
In closing, let us remember the words of John Donne, which seem most relevant to today's world:
No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main … any man's death diminishes
me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Let us join hands in solidarity and vow that we shall do everything possible to create a world of which we can be proud.
Kind Regards,
Tom Amadio
![AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM OUR SUPERINTENDENT](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/chicago_heights_school_district_170_ar/article/image/large_56e47663-41b9-45ca-a770-7bbdf4dcbde5.png)
A Message from Superintendent Amadio: George Floyd
June 30, 2022